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Famous Five Library: Five on a Treasure Island, Five Go Adventuring Again, Five Run Away Together v. 1, by Enid Blyton
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- Sales Rank: #1154085 in Books
- Published on: 1994-05-05
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Hardcover
- 480 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Three books of the Famous Five in one
By Heli Blum
It's great to have these in printed form. I had only read them in Finnish and having them in Brittish English is cool. I learned several alternate expressions to the American English I have gotten customed to living here in the States. The text is otherwise fairly uncomplicated which is just what I was after hoping to engage a mixed group of kids aged 7 - 12 with wide range of reading skills as well as attention spans. The adventures are catching and the characters take charge and show initiative. An inspiring prospect!
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Loved it
By Childaya
I loved these books when I was a child and now I am loving reading them to my 8 year old son. Obviously times have changed quite drastically since the release of these books, but there is no time limit on adventure. Once we got over the use of the name "Dick" it has been fantastic fun. He begs for me to read to him and is asking for the follow up books. Love Enid and her writing.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Loved rereading the adventure with my grand daughter
By Pam Hansen
Great book for my grand daughter!
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